Build a scalable front-end with Rush monorepo and React β Repo Setup + Import projects + Prettier

Alexandru Bereghici / August 16, 2021
7 min read β’ 708 views
This is the 1st part of the blog series "Build a scalable front-end with Rush monorepo and React"
Part 1: Monorepo setup, import projects with preserving git history, add Prettier
Part 2: Create build tools package with Webpack and react-scripts
Part 3: Add shared ESLint configuration and use it with lint-staged
Part 4: Setup a deployment workflow with Github Actions and Netlify.
Part 5: Add VSCode configurations for a better development experience.
In a multi-repository project structure, it's only a matter of time when you'll need to reuse some code from one project to another. Adopting a monorepo architecture can help the team share and contribute code in a simple manner. I won't cover in this article the pros and cons of choosing this approach, because there are plenty of resources that debate this topic, instead, I'll focus on the implementation of a scalable monorepo using Rush.js and React.
We'll be using the following tools:
Before implementing the monorepo, let's define the goals we want to achieve using these tools:
- Multiple applications
- Code sharing between applications
- Shared tools and configurations
- Enforced rules for code quality
- Automated workflow for development
If you're interested in just see the code, you can find it here:
If you want to see an example with Rush used in a real, large project, you can look at ITwin.js, an open-source project developed by Bentley Systems.
Create a new repository
I assume you already created an empty Github repository for this project. Let's clone it locally and let the magic begin!
Initialize the rush monorepo
Inside of your project folder, run the following commands:
npm install -g @microsoft/rush
rush init
After this command, you'll see a bunch of files and folders created. You can check the config files reference here.
At this point, we can remove unnecessary files and create our first commit.
rm -rf .travis.yml
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push origin master
Import existing projects without loosing git history
You don't really want to perform a migration to monorepo if you lose all the
history of your projects. If everything will point to the commit where you
merged the projects, you won't be able to revert to the previous commits, or run
git blame
or git bisect
We can copy all projects inside of the monorepo and keep the git history of each
project with a single git command: git subtree
Let's suppose we want to import the following project into our monorepo
We'll do it using the command git subtree add
git subtree add --prefix apps/react-app \ master
Let's decode the parameters of this command:
is used to specify the path inside of the monorepo where the project will be imported.
is the remote repository URL of the project we want to import.master
is the branch from where the project will be imported.
Now if you run git log
you'll see the history of react-app
project inside of
our monorepo.
Open apps/react-app/package.json
and change the name of the project with
The last step is to register @monorepo/react-app
project in rush configuration
file. Open rush.json
file and add an entry like this under the projects
"projects": [
"packageName": "@monorepo/react-app",
"projectFolder": "apps/react-app",
"reviewCategory": "production"
This tells to Rush that it should manage this project. Next, run rush update
to install the dependencies of react-app
project. This command can be launched
in any subfolder of the repo folder that contains rush.json
rush update
git add .
git commit -m "Imported react-app project"
git push origin master
Adding Prettier
We want to have consistent syntax and formatting across all code files in our
monorepo. So we'll apply Prettier globally for the entire repository. We'll run
it during git commit
Let's create a configuration file in the root of the repo. Prettier allows many
different names for this config file, but we'll use .prettierrc.js
<repo root>/.prettierrc.js
module.exports = {
arrowParens: 'avoid',
bracketSpacing: true,
htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'css',
insertPragma: false,
jsxBracketSameLine: false,
jsxSingleQuote: false,
printWidth: 80,
proseWrap: 'preserve',
quoteProps: 'as-needed',
requirePragma: false,
semi: true,
singleQuote: true,
tabWidth: 2,
trailingComma: 'es5',
useTabs: false,
You also need to make a .prettierignore
file to tell Prettier which files to
skip. It is recommended for .prettierignore
to extend the same patterns used
in .gitignore
cp .gitignore .prettierignore
Once the configuration is set up, next we need to invoke Prettier manually to reformat all the existing source files.
# See what files Prettier will format
# check the output and modify .prettierignore rules if needed
npx prettier . --list-different
# When you are ready, this will format all the source files
npx prettier . --write
To speed up the prettier process on git commit
hook, we'll use
to calculate the subset of files that are staged for commit and
format them.
Let's create a rush auto-installer, where we'll list all dependencies for formatting.
# This creates the common/autoinstallers/rush-prettier/package.json file:
rush init-autoinstaller --name rush-prettier
Install the dependencies:
cd common/autoinstallers/rush-prettier
# Install the dependencies.
# You can also manually edit the "dependencies" in the package.json file
pnpm install prettier
pnpm install pretty-quick
# update the auto-installer
rush update-autoinstaller --name rush-prettier
Next, we will create a rush prettier custom command that invokes the
tool. Add this to the "commands" section of
. . .
"commands": [
"name": "prettier",
"commandKind": "global",
"summary": "Used by the pre-commit Git hook. This command invokes Prettier to reformat staged changes.",
"safeForSimultaneousRushProcesses": true,
"autoinstallerName": "rush-prettier",
// This will invoke common/autoinstallers/rush-prettier/node_modules/.bin/pretty-quick
"shellCommand": "pretty-quick --staged"
. . .
After saving these changes, letβs test our custom command by running
rush prettier
The last step is to add a Git hook that invokes rush prettier automatically
whenever git commit
is performed. Let's create a file called pre-commit
the common/git-hooks
# Called by "git commit" with no arguments. The hook should
# exit with non-zero status after issuing an appropriate message if
# it wants to stop the commit.
# Invoke the "rush prettier" custom command to reformat files whenever they
# are committed. The command is defined in common/config/rush/command-line.json
# and uses the "rush-prettier" autoinstaller.
node common/scripts/install-run-rush.js prettier || exit $?
Install the hook by running rush install
We're done! Now on every commit we'll be automatically prettified.
Let's go to the next part where we'll learn how to create build tools with Webpack and jest.
See you there!